Black Heart

Black Heart
Author: Mike Nicol
Series: The Bishop Series, Book 3
Genre: Crime Novels
Tags: Crime, Dutch, English, Fiction, French, German
Publisher: Umuzi, Old Street, btb Verlag,
Publication Year: 2011
ASIN: B004W2N0L8
ISBN: 9781415201176

It's showdown for Sheemina February in her vendetta against security operative Mace Bishop. And a frazzled Mace Bishop is walking straight into the face-off. Problem is his partner Pylon Buso's taken a bullet and a foreigner under their protection's been kidnapped. Bad to worse, the secret service want Mace to steal the weapons system of his only other client. Mace is in the kill zone. In the final part of the Revenge Trilogy the hidden hand of Sheemina February is everwhere. Her finger tight on the trigger.

Available in the UK from Old Street Publishing, in German from btb Verlag, French from J'aiLu, and Dutch from De Geus



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‘Black Heart is a masterpiece’ – Karin Brynard, Rapport

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