Mandela – Celebrating the Legacy 1918 – 2013

Mandela – Celebrating the Legacy 1918 – 2013
Author: Mike Nicol
Genre: Non Fiction
Tags: English, Non Fiction
Publisher: Pearsons
Publication Year: 2013
ISBN: 9781770255661

With the passing of this extraordinary man the only joy can be to celebrate what he has left behind, his extraordinary patience and compassion, his passion for justice and reconciliation. This book explores the story he shared with all his fellow South Africans. It looks at themes which have dominated Nelson Mandela's life - his leadership, his attitude to the law and justice; democracy and human rights, and the value he placed on education. With extraordinary insight, author Mike Nicol, makes us acutely aware of Mandela the man - his courage, principles and generosity of spirit. There are many books written about Mandela but his story is too great to be told by one voice or from one viewpoint. The sensitive and accessible text is accompanied by over 80 photographs and regalia and contains a timeline of South African events mapped against key world events. A unique feature of the book is the 40 minute CD, of this icon's most famous speeches- Nelson Mandela in his own words.

About the Book
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